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Creating learning communities in order to foster a sense of belonging in a supportive, engaging, enjoyable, and personalized learning and development experience.


Carol provides groups members with an essential partner decorated with professional and life skills. She empowers individuals to thrive in their roles. Learning communities help both individuals and groups grasp complex concepts more effectively, ultimately improving their shared performance, retention, and ability to apply these developments in their professional and personal lives, making a difference.

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Prudential Securities: IT, Training & Development

With Prudential, Carol developed support services for a start-up investment bank creating a new culture, growing from 100 to 400 bankers in 18 months. In her time, she:


  • Transformed analyst, associate training from Ivy League professor led with rotations (18 months) to project based. experiential learning (16 weeks).

  • Expanded the analyst, associate training to Executive team, and senior banksers.

  • Implemented a 24/7 Document Production Center integrating Word Processing and Graphics Production through standarized templates, content and processes (THE WALL).

  • Served as a beta site for Lotus Notes (the first groupware - collaborative technology)

    • Designed, developed and implemented an early version of a CRM system for bankers client information

    • With Lotus Development instructional designers wrote and delivered the first version of Lotus Notes training 

©2024 Carol K. Gorelick. Designed by Nathan Fetherston.

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