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Observing and addressing a group’s complex, unique needs, and then participates with stakeholders in seeking to strengthen bonds in a more sustainable experience.

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Fundamentally, action research is co-researching, being within the group and viewing it as a participant. Carol sees all formal interactions and offers perspective from outside an authority-tinted lens. Members ask Carol questions they normally would not ask authority figures. Action research involves both strong relational and technical skills. In this sense, it is about balancing the needs of whole group.

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BGSU Doctoral Program: Action Researcher & Faculty 

Carol worked with the D.ODC director from the time the program was approved as an action researcher (participant observer) to capture and tell the story of the program.


  • Played a weaver, advisor, mentor, role for the first 3 cohorts. 

  • Attended and documented Cohort 1's journey from introductory webinars through graduation. 53% graduated in 3 years, 92% 4 years, Writing the story is in process.

  • Instructor for the Research and Writing Residencies for Cohort's 1 & 2,  Cohort 3 is in process.

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